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Arup Chatterjee

Arup Chatterjee


Mastering the Art of Backlink Building in 2023

Mastering the Art of Backlink Building in 2023

Welcome to a comprehensive guide on mastering the art of backlink building in 2023. Today, you're about to discover seven proven strategies that have not only kept my website at the forefront of the digital landscape but have also earned it a remarkable 452,000 total backlinks. If you're ready to take your backlink game to the next level and stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of SEO, you've come to the right place.

1: Become a Source for Reporters and Bloggers

If you're aiming to secure a prime spot on Google's first page, there's no escaping the need for high-quality backlinks from authoritative news sites and blogs. We're talking about those coveted white hat links that can significantly boost your website's credibility and ranking.

The good news is that this mission isn't as daunting as it may seem. You can achieve it by leveraging a powerful and free tool called Help a Reporter Out, or HARO for short.

Introducing HARO: Your PR Tinder

Imagine HARO as the Tinder of public relations, connecting individuals who seek sources (bloggers and journalists) with those who crave backlinks and exposure – that's you. I personally vouch for the effectiveness of HARO in building white hat backlinks from reputable news sites, and I'm certainly not alone in this endeavour. Just take a look at the email I received from one of my Backlinko readers:

Let's be clear: this strategy requires effort, and it's not always a walk in the park. However, from my own experiences, it stands out as one of the most efficient ways to create a substantial number of high-quality backlinks.

Now, let's break down the process step by step.

Step 1: Register as a Source

Your journey starts by registering as a source on HARO. Visit their homepage and sign up, which is a straightforward process:

Step 2: Choose Your Plan

Upon registration, you'll need to decide whether to opt for a free or paid plan, depending on your specific needs:

Step 3: Keep an Eye Out for Requests

HARO functions by posting requests from journalists and bloggers in search of expert opinions and insights. Your role is to monitor these requests closely, searching for opportunities where your expertise can shine:

Step 4: Craft a Valuable Pitch

The final step is to send a journalist or blogger a concise yet compelling pitch that showcases your expertise. For instance, I once spotted a request asking, "What's the difference between graphic design and web design?" Here's the pitch I submitted:

The result? A valuable backlink from a DR76 university website, which speaks to the potency of this approach:

Impressive, right? This method may take effort, but the results can be quite rewarding.

Welcome to a comprehensive guide on mastering the art of backlink building in 2023. Today, you're about to discover seven proven strategies that have not only kept my website at the forefront of the digital landscape but have also earned it a remarkable 452,000 total backlinks. If you're ready to take your backlink game to the next level and stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of SEO, you've come to the right place.

1: Become a Source for Reporters and Bloggers

If you're aiming to secure a prime spot on Google's first page, there's no escaping the need for high-quality backlinks from authoritative news sites and blogs. We're talking about those coveted white hat links that can significantly boost your website's credibility and ranking.

The good news is that this mission isn't as daunting as it may seem. You can achieve it by leveraging a powerful and free tool called Help a Reporter Out, or HARO for short.

Introducing HARO: Your PR Tinder

Imagine HARO as the Tinder of public relations, connecting individuals who seek sources (bloggers and journalists) with those who crave backlinks and exposure – that's you. I personally vouch for the effectiveness of HARO in building white hat backlinks from reputable news sites, and I'm certainly not alone in this endeavour. Just take a look at the email I received from one of my Backlinko readers:

Let's be clear: this strategy requires effort, and it's not always a walk in the park. However, from my own experiences, it stands out as one of the most efficient ways to create a substantial number of high-quality backlinks.

Now, let's break down the process step by step.

Step 1: Register as a Source

Your journey starts by registering as a source on HARO. Visit their homepage and sign up, which is a straightforward process:

Step 2: Choose Your Plan

Upon registration, you'll need to decide whether to opt for a free or paid plan, depending on your specific needs:

Step 3: Keep an Eye Out for Requests

HARO functions by posting requests from journalists and bloggers in search of expert opinions and insights. Your role is to monitor these requests closely, searching for opportunities where your expertise can shine:

Step 4: Craft a Valuable Pitch

The final step is to send a journalist or blogger a concise yet compelling pitch that showcases your expertise. For instance, I once spotted a request asking, "What's the difference between graphic design and web design?" Here's the pitch I submitted:

The result? A valuable backlink from a DR76 university website, which speaks to the potency of this approach:

Impressive, right? This method may take effort, but the results can be quite rewarding.

2: Publish "Skyscraper" Content

2: Publish "Skyscraper" Content

When it comes to building backlinks from authoritative websites, one technique that has consistently delivered outstanding results is creating what's known as "Skyscraper" content. This method has allowed me to secure backlinks from reputable sites like, HubSpot, and even the GoDaddy blog. What's remarkable is that they all link to the same piece of content: "SEO Tools: The Complete List," a classic example of "Skyscraper" content.

This single piece of content has amassed an impressive total of 7.76K backlinks. What's more significant, as you've seen, many of these links come from high-authority sites.

So, what exactly is "Skyscraper" content, and how can you replicate this success?

The Skyscraper Content Blueprint

The Skyscraper content strategy is built on three fundamental steps, and I'm going to walk you through each one:

Step 1: Identify Exceptional Content in Your Industry

Begin by identifying a piece of content in your industry that has already achieved remarkable success in terms of backlinks. The simplest way to do this is through a basic Google search.

Take a look at the first page results. As you're well aware, backlinks are a crucial ranking factor for Google. If a page is ranking on the first page, it's highly likely that it has accumulated a substantial number of backlinks.

That's your initial step.

Step 2: Create Content That's 5-10 Times Better

Now, the real magic happens. Create a piece of content that surpasses the quality and value of what you've discovered in step one. For example, if you notice that most SEO tools lists are rather concise, aim to produce something ten times better.

Unlike most lists, my "SEO Tools: The Complete List" includes every tool available on the market, totaling over 170 tools.

Is creating such content easy? Definitely not. However, the effort is more than worthwhile. To date, my SEO tools list has been shared on social media an astonishing 20,777 times and has earned backlinks from over 1.08K different domains.

[Insert images showing social shares and referring domains]

Step 3: Promote Your "Skyscraper" Content

Now comes a critical part of the equation – promoting your "Skyscraper" content. While creating outstanding content is a significant advantage, actively promoting it is key to getting the most out of your efforts.

Promotion can take numerous forms, but let me share a particularly effective strategy for Skyscraper content:

Promote your content to the individuals or brands mentioned in your post. For instance, you can reach out to all the tools or entities mentioned in your "Skyscraper" post.

Because this approach isn't pushy or spammy, most people are more than willing to share your content on social media, and some may even link to it.

By following these steps and putting in the effort to create exceptional content, you can replicate the success of "Skyscraper" content in building backlinks and boosting your website's authority.

When it comes to building backlinks from authoritative websites, one technique that has consistently delivered outstanding results is creating what's known as "Skyscraper" content. This method has allowed me to secure backlinks from reputable sites like, HubSpot, and even the GoDaddy blog. What's remarkable is that they all link to the same piece of content: "SEO Tools: The Complete List," a classic example of "Skyscraper" content.

This single piece of content has amassed an impressive total of 7.76K backlinks. What's more significant, as you've seen, many of these links come from high-authority sites.

So, what exactly is "Skyscraper" content, and how can you replicate this success?

The Skyscraper Content Blueprint

The Skyscraper content strategy is built on three fundamental steps, and I'm going to walk you through each one:

Step 1: Identify Exceptional Content in Your Industry

Begin by identifying a piece of content in your industry that has already achieved remarkable success in terms of backlinks. The simplest way to do this is through a basic Google search.

Take a look at the first page results. As you're well aware, backlinks are a crucial ranking factor for Google. If a page is ranking on the first page, it's highly likely that it has accumulated a substantial number of backlinks.

That's your initial step.

Step 2: Create Content That's 5-10 Times Better

Now, the real magic happens. Create a piece of content that surpasses the quality and value of what you've discovered in step one. For example, if you notice that most SEO tools lists are rather concise, aim to produce something ten times better.

Unlike most lists, my "SEO Tools: The Complete List" includes every tool available on the market, totaling over 170 tools.

Is creating such content easy? Definitely not. However, the effort is more than worthwhile. To date, my SEO tools list has been shared on social media an astonishing 20,777 times and has earned backlinks from over 1.08K different domains.

[Insert images showing social shares and referring domains]

Step 3: Promote Your "Skyscraper" Content

Now comes a critical part of the equation – promoting your "Skyscraper" content. While creating outstanding content is a significant advantage, actively promoting it is key to getting the most out of your efforts.

Promotion can take numerous forms, but let me share a particularly effective strategy for Skyscraper content:

Promote your content to the individuals or brands mentioned in your post. For instance, you can reach out to all the tools or entities mentioned in your "Skyscraper" post.

Because this approach isn't pushy or spammy, most people are more than willing to share your content on social media, and some may even link to it.

By following these steps and putting in the effort to create exceptional content, you can replicate the success of "Skyscraper" content in building backlinks and boosting your website's authority.

3: Build Links From Outdated Resources

3: Build Links From Outdated Resources

One of the most ingenious link-building strategies that I've employed is known as "The Moving Man Method." This approach has allowed me to secure valuable backlinks from various sources, including authoritative .edu sites, popular resource pages, and relevant websites in the SEO and online marketing sphere.

So, how does "The Moving Man Method" work, and how can you replicate its success? Let's dive into the step-by-step process.

Step 1: Identify Outdated Resources in Your Industry

The first step is to identify websites in your industry that have undergone significant changes, such as changing names, moving to a new URL, discontinuing services, ceasing to update a resource, or shutting down. To illustrate this concept, consider the case of SEOMoz, which changed its name to Moz and moved its website from to

Once I learned about this transformation, I realised it was a golden opportunity to reach out to the numerous websites still linking to the outdated URLs.

Step 2: Locate Sites Still Linking to the Old URLs

The next step is to find websites that are still linking to the old, outdated URLs. To do this, you'll need to use a backlink checking tool. In this example, I'm using Semrush, but there are various link-building tools that you can use for the same purpose.

Once you've entered the URL of the outdated resource into your chosen tool, explore all the websites that link to the old URLs. Depending on the site, you may find several link-building opportunities. In any case, your focus should be on websites with the highest Domain Authority (DA).

Step 3: Reach Out and Secure Your Links

The final step is to reach out to the webmasters or website owners who still have links to the outdated resource. Your objective is to kindly inform them about the outdated link and gently suggest that they consider adding your link to their site.

My own experience with this strategy revealed that by adding value to their website twice—first by alerting them about the outdated link and then by presenting my valuable resource—people were more than willing to add my link to their pages.

And there you have it, a remarkably effective strategy to secure backlinks from outdated resources using "The Moving Man Method."

One of the most ingenious link-building strategies that I've employed is known as "The Moving Man Method." This approach has allowed me to secure valuable backlinks from various sources, including authoritative .edu sites, popular resource pages, and relevant websites in the SEO and online marketing sphere.

So, how does "The Moving Man Method" work, and how can you replicate its success? Let's dive into the step-by-step process.

Step 1: Identify Outdated Resources in Your Industry

The first step is to identify websites in your industry that have undergone significant changes, such as changing names, moving to a new URL, discontinuing services, ceasing to update a resource, or shutting down. To illustrate this concept, consider the case of SEOMoz, which changed its name to Moz and moved its website from to

Once I learned about this transformation, I realised it was a golden opportunity to reach out to the numerous websites still linking to the outdated URLs.

Step 2: Locate Sites Still Linking to the Old URLs

The next step is to find websites that are still linking to the old, outdated URLs. To do this, you'll need to use a backlink checking tool. In this example, I'm using Semrush, but there are various link-building tools that you can use for the same purpose.

Once you've entered the URL of the outdated resource into your chosen tool, explore all the websites that link to the old URLs. Depending on the site, you may find several link-building opportunities. In any case, your focus should be on websites with the highest Domain Authority (DA).

Step 3: Reach Out and Secure Your Links

The final step is to reach out to the webmasters or website owners who still have links to the outdated resource. Your objective is to kindly inform them about the outdated link and gently suggest that they consider adding your link to their site.

My own experience with this strategy revealed that by adding value to their website twice—first by alerting them about the outdated link and then by presenting my valuable resource—people were more than willing to add my link to their pages.

And there you have it, a remarkably effective strategy to secure backlinks from outdated resources using "The Moving Man Method."

4: Use Content Formats Proven To Generate Links

4: Use Content Formats Proven To Generate Links

A while back, BuzzSumo and I conducted a comprehensive study, examining a staggering 912 million blog posts and articles. The results were enlightening and, in some cases, quite sobering.

So, what did we uncover?

The data revealed a harsh truth: the majority of content online goes completely unnoticed. In fact, an astonishing 94% of all online content fails to garner a single link.

Now, for the silver lining:

Among the vast sea of overlooked content, we identified certain content formats that consistently outperformed the rest. These formats were proven to generate substantial backlinks, and they offer valuable insight into what works in the digital landscape.

In particular, we observed that the following content formats were link-building powerhouses:

  • "Why" Posts

  • "What" Posts

  • Infographics

  • Videos

Am I suggesting that you should flood the internet with an abundance of "why" posts and infographics? Not exactly.

Here's the key point: While these formats do have the potential to attract backlinks, they are not a magical solution on their own. To earn backlinks in today's digital landscape, your content must be exceptional.

However, these content formats provide an excellent starting point for creating content that truly stands out and has the potential to attract backlinks.

A while back, BuzzSumo and I conducted a comprehensive study, examining a staggering 912 million blog posts and articles. The results were enlightening and, in some cases, quite sobering.

So, what did we uncover?

The data revealed a harsh truth: the majority of content online goes completely unnoticed. In fact, an astonishing 94% of all online content fails to garner a single link.

Now, for the silver lining:

Among the vast sea of overlooked content, we identified certain content formats that consistently outperformed the rest. These formats were proven to generate substantial backlinks, and they offer valuable insight into what works in the digital landscape.

In particular, we observed that the following content formats were link-building powerhouses:

  • "Why" Posts

  • "What" Posts

  • Infographics

  • Videos

Am I suggesting that you should flood the internet with an abundance of "why" posts and infographics? Not exactly.

Here's the key point: While these formats do have the potential to attract backlinks, they are not a magical solution on their own. To earn backlinks in today's digital landscape, your content must be exceptional.

However, these content formats provide an excellent starting point for creating content that truly stands out and has the potential to attract backlinks.

5: Publish Ultimate Guides

5: Publish Ultimate Guides

By now, you're well aware that the path to securing a top spot on Google involves building high-quality backlinks, and not just a few of them but a substantial number. However, the question that often perplexes many is how to convince other websites to link to you. The answer lies in one powerful content format: Ultimate Guides.

To illustrate this point, let's take a look at an example: my "Ultimate Guide to Link Building."

Here's what's remarkable about this: I published this guide six years ago, yet it continues to attract backlinks in 2023.

So, why are Ultimate Guides so effective in the world of SEO and backlink building?

The Power of Ultimate Guides

For starters, Ultimate Guides tend to be incredibly comprehensive, often containing a massive amount of content on a single page. For instance, my Link Building Guide stretches to a whopping 4,834 words.

According to numerous SEO ranking factor studies, long-form content typically outperforms shorter articles in Google's search results.

Moreover, Ultimate Guides cover an entire topic on a single page, serving as the go-to resource for that specific subject. As a result, whenever individuals or bloggers need a reference for that topic, they naturally link to your guide.

Now, let's delve into how you can create your own Ultimate Guide, step by step.

Step 1: Select a Unique and Relevant Topic

Choosing the right topic is crucial. Opt for a topic that's both popular and hasn't been excessively covered by others. In other words, avoid creating the 18th Ultimate Guide on a particular subject. For instance, when I decided to publish my Link Building Guide, I noticed that the first page of Google had some useful posts, but none were Ultimate Guides.

I also contemplated creating an Ultimate Guide on SEO. However, considering the multitude of existing guides on that subject, I chose link building.

Step 2: Outline Your Ultimate Guide

Creating an outline is straightforward. List subtopics that collectively constitute your broader subject. For instance, when preparing my Link Building Guide, I outlined subtopics like this:

  • What is link building?

  • Black hat SEO

  • White hat SEO

  • Anchor text

  • Content

  • Email outreach

  • Advanced tips

Step 3: Write Your Ultimate Guide

When you embark on writing your Ultimate Guide, do not hesitate to cover every aspect of the topic comprehensively. By doing so, your guide will emerge as the definitive resource in its field. Longer content not only tends to generate more backlinks and shares but also enjoys higher rankings in Google.

By now, you're well aware that the path to securing a top spot on Google involves building high-quality backlinks, and not just a few of them but a substantial number. However, the question that often perplexes many is how to convince other websites to link to you. The answer lies in one powerful content format: Ultimate Guides.

To illustrate this point, let's take a look at an example: my "Ultimate Guide to Link Building."

Here's what's remarkable about this: I published this guide six years ago, yet it continues to attract backlinks in 2023.

So, why are Ultimate Guides so effective in the world of SEO and backlink building?

The Power of Ultimate Guides

For starters, Ultimate Guides tend to be incredibly comprehensive, often containing a massive amount of content on a single page. For instance, my Link Building Guide stretches to a whopping 4,834 words.

According to numerous SEO ranking factor studies, long-form content typically outperforms shorter articles in Google's search results.

Moreover, Ultimate Guides cover an entire topic on a single page, serving as the go-to resource for that specific subject. As a result, whenever individuals or bloggers need a reference for that topic, they naturally link to your guide.

Now, let's delve into how you can create your own Ultimate Guide, step by step.

Step 1: Select a Unique and Relevant Topic

Choosing the right topic is crucial. Opt for a topic that's both popular and hasn't been excessively covered by others. In other words, avoid creating the 18th Ultimate Guide on a particular subject. For instance, when I decided to publish my Link Building Guide, I noticed that the first page of Google had some useful posts, but none were Ultimate Guides.

I also contemplated creating an Ultimate Guide on SEO. However, considering the multitude of existing guides on that subject, I chose link building.

Step 2: Outline Your Ultimate Guide

Creating an outline is straightforward. List subtopics that collectively constitute your broader subject. For instance, when preparing my Link Building Guide, I outlined subtopics like this:

  • What is link building?

  • Black hat SEO

  • White hat SEO

  • Anchor text

  • Content

  • Email outreach

  • Advanced tips

Step 3: Write Your Ultimate Guide

When you embark on writing your Ultimate Guide, do not hesitate to cover every aspect of the topic comprehensively. By doing so, your guide will emerge as the definitive resource in its field. Longer content not only tends to generate more backlinks and shares but also enjoys higher rankings in Google.

6: Use Branded Strategies and Techniques

6: Use Branded Strategies and Techniques

Recall strategy #3 from this guide - "Build links from outdated resources." You might have noticed that I didn't just outline the strategy; I also gave it a memorable name: "The Moving Man Method."

This wasn't the first time I mentioned "The Moving Man Method" in a blog post. In fact, naming my strategy had a significant impact. People began to link to my content about "The Moving Man Method" fairly often, and some even went as far as publishing entire blog posts about it.

The key takeaway here is that naming your strategy can result in valuable backlinks. Let me provide you with another example.

Ramit Sethi introduced a strategy for appearing as a rockstar at meetings, and he called it "The Briefcase Technique."

By giving his strategy a memorable name, Ramit successfully garnered numerous high-quality backlinks.

Now that you've seen the effectiveness of this approach, let's delve into the specific steps you can follow to create and promote your own branded strategy.

Step 1: Develop a Unique Strategy, Tip, or Tactic

Creating a unique strategy may seem challenging, but it's not as daunting as it appears. You don't need an entirely unique strategy; all you need is a unique aspect or twist that sets your approach apart.

As Derek Halpern aptly puts it:

"You may not have unique ingredients, but you've got a unique recipe."

In other words, your strategy can incorporate existing elements, but your unique twist is what matters.

Consider "The Moving Man Method." While people have used broken link building for years, my unique twist was that the links weren't necessarily broken (showing a 404 error). Instead, they were outdated but technically still working.

That unique aspect was enough to make my strategy stand out.

Step 2: Name Your Strategy

The next step is to give your strategy a name. Choose a name that clearly describes what your strategy does. You can also consider using words like "Method," "Technique," "Approach," "System," or "Blueprint" in your strategy's name.

For instance, I named my strategy "The Moving Man Method" because it revolves around helping site owners "move" their links. While it may not be the most creative name, it effectively conveys the essence of the strategy.

Step 3: Publish Your Strategy as a Blog Post with Proof

Your final step is to showcase that your new strategy actually works. How? Publish your strategy in the form of a blog post, preferably with a case study to demonstrate its effectiveness.

In your post, provide tangible proof that your strategy is successful. Show evidence that it works in real-world scenarios.

This combination of a branded strategy with proof is a powerful asset that can attract numerous backlinks.

By following these steps and creating a branded strategy or technique, you can not only bolster your website's authority but also generate valuable backlinks from others who want to reference and promote your unique approach.

Recall strategy #3 from this guide - "Build links from outdated resources." You might have noticed that I didn't just outline the strategy; I also gave it a memorable name: "The Moving Man Method."

This wasn't the first time I mentioned "The Moving Man Method" in a blog post. In fact, naming my strategy had a significant impact. People began to link to my content about "The Moving Man Method" fairly often, and some even went as far as publishing entire blog posts about it.

The key takeaway here is that naming your strategy can result in valuable backlinks. Let me provide you with another example.

Ramit Sethi introduced a strategy for appearing as a rockstar at meetings, and he called it "The Briefcase Technique."

By giving his strategy a memorable name, Ramit successfully garnered numerous high-quality backlinks.

Now that you've seen the effectiveness of this approach, let's delve into the specific steps you can follow to create and promote your own branded strategy.

Step 1: Develop a Unique Strategy, Tip, or Tactic

Creating a unique strategy may seem challenging, but it's not as daunting as it appears. You don't need an entirely unique strategy; all you need is a unique aspect or twist that sets your approach apart.

As Derek Halpern aptly puts it:

"You may not have unique ingredients, but you've got a unique recipe."

In other words, your strategy can incorporate existing elements, but your unique twist is what matters.

Consider "The Moving Man Method." While people have used broken link building for years, my unique twist was that the links weren't necessarily broken (showing a 404 error). Instead, they were outdated but technically still working.

That unique aspect was enough to make my strategy stand out.

Step 2: Name Your Strategy

The next step is to give your strategy a name. Choose a name that clearly describes what your strategy does. You can also consider using words like "Method," "Technique," "Approach," "System," or "Blueprint" in your strategy's name.

For instance, I named my strategy "The Moving Man Method" because it revolves around helping site owners "move" their links. While it may not be the most creative name, it effectively conveys the essence of the strategy.

Step 3: Publish Your Strategy as a Blog Post with Proof

Your final step is to showcase that your new strategy actually works. How? Publish your strategy in the form of a blog post, preferably with a case study to demonstrate its effectiveness.

In your post, provide tangible proof that your strategy is successful. Show evidence that it works in real-world scenarios.

This combination of a branded strategy with proof is a powerful asset that can attract numerous backlinks.

By following these steps and creating a branded strategy or technique, you can not only bolster your website's authority but also generate valuable backlinks from others who want to reference and promote your unique approach.

7: Authority Resource Pages

7: Authority Resource Pages

Resource pages are a true treasure trove for link builders. Why? These pages exist solely to link out to other websites, making them prime targets for securing valuable backlinks.

To demonstrate the potential of this strategy, here's an example of a link I acquired from a resource page:

Now, you might be wondering, "How can I get links from resource pages?" Just like every other strategy in this post, I'll guide you through the process step by step.

Step 1: Find Resource Pages

Discovering resource pages can be a bit tricky because very few website owners label them as "resource pages." Instead, these pages tend to be described using terms like "helpful resources," "useful resources," "further reading," or "additional resources." To locate these pages, simply conduct a Google search with one of these terms plus a relevant keyword.

For instance, let's say you've recently published an article about link building. In this case, your search string would look something like this:

In a matter of seconds, you can find extensive lists of resource pages related to link building:

Step 2: Reach Out and Request a Link

Now that you've identified a resource page, it's time to reach out and make a polite request for a link. Here's an email script that I recommend:

Hi [Name],

I was looking for some articles to read about [Your Topic] today when I stumbled upon your [Resource Page Title]. Very impressive.

I noticed that you have a section on your resource page dedicated to [Your Topic]. I recently published an extensive guide on the same topic, and I believe it would be a valuable addition to your page. It might be worth considering for inclusion.

Thank you, and have a great day!


[Your First Name]

It's essential to note that this script serves as a starting point. The more you personalise your outreach emails, the more links you're likely to secure. However, this proven script provides a solid framework to begin with.

Bonus Strategy #1: Turn Brand Mentions Into Quality Backlinks

Every now and then, someone may mention your brand in a blog post but forget to include a link to your site. This is what we call an "Unlinked Brand Mention."

The great news is that these mentions present a relatively straightforward opportunity to secure backlinks. Why? Because the author of the post has already acknowledged your brand, indicating a positive sentiment towards it. So, all you need to do is send them a friendly email.

Here's a recommended email script:

Hi [Name],

I recently came across your latest article: [Article Title]. Great work!

I wanted to express my gratitude for mentioning [Your Brand Name] in your article. I genuinely appreciate it.

If you have a moment, it would be wonderful if you could include a link to our site. This way, your readers can easily access the post on our blog that you mentioned.

Once again, thank you for featuring us in your article. Have a fantastic day.


[Your First Name]

And there you have it. A simple, effective way to transform unlinked brand mentions into quality backlinks.

Bonus Strategy #2: Send "Feeler" Emails

When it comes to email outreach for link building, you generally have two options:

  • Option #1: Request links in your initial email.

  • Option #2: Utilise "Feeler" emails.

Based on extensive experience with link building campaigns, I've found that both approaches can be effective. However, "Feeler" emails have proven to boost conversions by more than 40%.

But what exactly are "Feeler" emails?

"Feeler" emails are messages you send to prospects without directly asking for a link. Instead, you're gauging their receptiveness to your outreach before making a link pitch.

In this example, Arup doesn't directly request a link. Instead, he inquires whether the recipient would like to see it first.

In Arup’s case, the "Feeler" email yielded 40% more responses compared to asking for a link in the initial email.

This approach provides an effective way to increase the success rate of your outreach campaigns and secure valuable backlinks.

Resource pages are a true treasure trove for link builders. Why? These pages exist solely to link out to other websites, making them prime targets for securing valuable backlinks.

To demonstrate the potential of this strategy, here's an example of a link I acquired from a resource page:

Now, you might be wondering, "How can I get links from resource pages?" Just like every other strategy in this post, I'll guide you through the process step by step.

Step 1: Find Resource Pages

Discovering resource pages can be a bit tricky because very few website owners label them as "resource pages." Instead, these pages tend to be described using terms like "helpful resources," "useful resources," "further reading," or "additional resources." To locate these pages, simply conduct a Google search with one of these terms plus a relevant keyword.

For instance, let's say you've recently published an article about link building. In this case, your search string would look something like this:

In a matter of seconds, you can find extensive lists of resource pages related to link building:

Step 2: Reach Out and Request a Link

Now that you've identified a resource page, it's time to reach out and make a polite request for a link. Here's an email script that I recommend:

Hi [Name],

I was looking for some articles to read about [Your Topic] today when I stumbled upon your [Resource Page Title]. Very impressive.

I noticed that you have a section on your resource page dedicated to [Your Topic]. I recently published an extensive guide on the same topic, and I believe it would be a valuable addition to your page. It might be worth considering for inclusion.

Thank you, and have a great day!


[Your First Name]

It's essential to note that this script serves as a starting point. The more you personalise your outreach emails, the more links you're likely to secure. However, this proven script provides a solid framework to begin with.

Bonus Strategy #1: Turn Brand Mentions Into Quality Backlinks

Every now and then, someone may mention your brand in a blog post but forget to include a link to your site. This is what we call an "Unlinked Brand Mention."

The great news is that these mentions present a relatively straightforward opportunity to secure backlinks. Why? Because the author of the post has already acknowledged your brand, indicating a positive sentiment towards it. So, all you need to do is send them a friendly email.

Here's a recommended email script:

Hi [Name],

I recently came across your latest article: [Article Title]. Great work!

I wanted to express my gratitude for mentioning [Your Brand Name] in your article. I genuinely appreciate it.

If you have a moment, it would be wonderful if you could include a link to our site. This way, your readers can easily access the post on our blog that you mentioned.

Once again, thank you for featuring us in your article. Have a fantastic day.


[Your First Name]

And there you have it. A simple, effective way to transform unlinked brand mentions into quality backlinks.

Bonus Strategy #2: Send "Feeler" Emails

When it comes to email outreach for link building, you generally have two options:

  • Option #1: Request links in your initial email.

  • Option #2: Utilise "Feeler" emails.

Based on extensive experience with link building campaigns, I've found that both approaches can be effective. However, "Feeler" emails have proven to boost conversions by more than 40%.

But what exactly are "Feeler" emails?

"Feeler" emails are messages you send to prospects without directly asking for a link. Instead, you're gauging their receptiveness to your outreach before making a link pitch.

In this example, Arup doesn't directly request a link. Instead, he inquires whether the recipient would like to see it first.

In Arup’s case, the "Feeler" email yielded 40% more responses compared to asking for a link in the initial email.

This approach provides an effective way to increase the success rate of your outreach campaigns and secure valuable backlinks.



What's the New Backlink Strategy in 2023?

Leveraging unlinked brand mentions is gaining popularity. Identify mentions of your brand without links and politely request backlinks from authors. It's a simple way to turn mentions into quality backlinks.

Which Link Building Strategy Works Best in 2023?

Building links from resource pages is highly effective. Resource pages are dedicated to linking out, making them great for securing valuable backlinks. Find relevant resource pages and politely request a link.

How Do I Make My Backlink High Quality?

Focus on acquiring links from authoritative and relevant sites in your industry. Aim for natural links, ensure relevance in anchor text and content, and avoid manipulative tactics.

Do Backlinks Still Work in 2023?

Yes, they do. Quality backlinks from authoritative sites can significantly impact SEO rankings. However, focus on natural and relevant backlinks instead of spammy tactics.

What's the Future of Backlinking?

Backlinking will continue evolving, with emphasis on factors like user engagement and content quality. Genuine relationships and valuable content will remain crucial for earning backlinks.

What's the New Backlink Strategy in 2023?

Leveraging unlinked brand mentions is gaining popularity. Identify mentions of your brand without links and politely request backlinks from authors. It's a simple way to turn mentions into quality backlinks.

Which Link Building Strategy Works Best in 2023?

Building links from resource pages is highly effective. Resource pages are dedicated to linking out, making them great for securing valuable backlinks. Find relevant resource pages and politely request a link.

How Do I Make My Backlink High Quality?

Focus on acquiring links from authoritative and relevant sites in your industry. Aim for natural links, ensure relevance in anchor text and content, and avoid manipulative tactics.

Do Backlinks Still Work in 2023?

Yes, they do. Quality backlinks from authoritative sites can significantly impact SEO rankings. However, focus on natural and relevant backlinks instead of spammy tactics.

What's the Future of Backlinking?

Backlinking will continue evolving, with emphasis on factors like user engagement and content quality. Genuine relationships and valuable content will remain crucial for earning backlinks.



In 2023, the world of backlink building is rife with opportunities. From crafting compelling Ultimate Guides to using branded strategies, the power to boost your website's authority and rankings is in your hands. Which strategy will you seize first? The choice is yours, and the journey to backlink success awaits. Share your pick in the comments and let's embark on this exciting SEO adventure together!

In 2023, the world of backlink building is rife with opportunities. From crafting compelling Ultimate Guides to using branded strategies, the power to boost your website's authority and rankings is in your hands. Which strategy will you seize first? The choice is yours, and the journey to backlink success awaits. Share your pick in the comments and let's embark on this exciting SEO adventure together!

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