SEO Internal Linking
SEO Internal Linking

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Arup Chatterjee

Arup Chatterjee


Internal Links Defined

Internal Links Defined

SEO's secret weapon? It's internal linking. Supercharge your website's performance, steer search engines, and captivate your audience – all within your digital realm.

Internal links are your allies, guiding users and search engines. Join us to discover their untapped potential in boosting SEO and enhancing user experience.

Let's explore what internal links are, why they matter, and how to wield them strategically. Unveil the art and science of effective internal linking today!

Internal Links Defined

Internal links are hyperlinks that point to pages on the same domain. These are different than external links, which link out to pages on other domains. They serve as bridges that seamlessly connect the various corners of your website.

In this blog, we're about to embark on a journey into the realm of strategic internal linking. We'll unveil the untapped potential of these humble yet powerful elements. They're not just navigation aids; they are the threads that weave the intricate tapestry of your website's structure. If your goal is to boost your website's SEO, enhance user experience, and solidify your online authority, you've come to the right place.

Together, we'll explore what internal links are, why they matter, and how to wield them strategically to "supercharge" your SEO efforts. Get ready to harness this well-kept SEO secret, as we uncover the art and science of effective internal linking.

SEO's secret weapon? It's internal linking. Supercharge your website's performance, steer search engines, and captivate your audience – all within your digital realm.

Internal links are your allies, guiding users and search engines. Join us to discover their untapped potential in boosting SEO and enhancing user experience.

Let's explore what internal links are, why they matter, and how to wield them strategically. Unveil the art and science of effective internal linking today!

Internal Links Defined

Internal links are hyperlinks that point to pages on the same domain. These are different than external links, which link out to pages on other domains. They serve as bridges that seamlessly connect the various corners of your website.

In this blog, we're about to embark on a journey into the realm of strategic internal linking. We'll unveil the untapped potential of these humble yet powerful elements. They're not just navigation aids; they are the threads that weave the intricate tapestry of your website's structure. If your goal is to boost your website's SEO, enhance user experience, and solidify your online authority, you've come to the right place.

Together, we'll explore what internal links are, why they matter, and how to wield them strategically to "supercharge" your SEO efforts. Get ready to harness this well-kept SEO secret, as we uncover the art and science of effective internal linking.

Why Internal Linking Matters for SEO

Why Internal Linking Matters for SEO

Why should you care about internal links when it comes to SEO? Well, the answer lies in how search engines like Google operate. Here's why internal links are of paramount importance:

Internal Links Help Google Navigate Your Site: Google, the largest and most widely used search engine, dispatches web crawlers or bots to explore and index web pages. These bots rely on links to move from one page to another. By strategically using internal links, you provide Google with a well-organised map of your website, making it easier for these bots to find, index, and understand all the pages on your site.

Page Authority Distribution: Internal links aren't just pathways for search engines; they are the conduits for distributing page authority, also known as PageRank. When you link from one page to another on your website, you're effectively passing a portion of that page's authority to the linked page. This not only strengthens the linked page's position but also signifies its importance in the hierarchy of your website's content.

In essence, internal linking is like a vote of confidence from one page to another. The more strategic these votes are, the more you elevate the standing of critical pages on your site.

In a nutshell, internal linking is a pivotal strategy for any website that aspires to secure higher rankings on Google. By guiding search engines and strategically distributing authority among your pages, you're effectively laying a solid foundation for improved search visibility. So, if you're aiming to rise through the ranks in search engine results, mastering the art of internal linking is your ticket to SEO success.

Why should you care about internal links when it comes to SEO? Well, the answer lies in how search engines like Google operate. Here's why internal links are of paramount importance:

Internal Links Help Google Navigate Your Site: Google, the largest and most widely used search engine, dispatches web crawlers or bots to explore and index web pages. These bots rely on links to move from one page to another. By strategically using internal links, you provide Google with a well-organised map of your website, making it easier for these bots to find, index, and understand all the pages on your site.

Page Authority Distribution: Internal links aren't just pathways for search engines; they are the conduits for distributing page authority, also known as PageRank. When you link from one page to another on your website, you're effectively passing a portion of that page's authority to the linked page. This not only strengthens the linked page's position but also signifies its importance in the hierarchy of your website's content.

In essence, internal linking is like a vote of confidence from one page to another. The more strategic these votes are, the more you elevate the standing of critical pages on your site.

In a nutshell, internal linking is a pivotal strategy for any website that aspires to secure higher rankings on Google. By guiding search engines and strategically distributing authority among your pages, you're effectively laying a solid foundation for improved search visibility. So, if you're aiming to rise through the ranks in search engine results, mastering the art of internal linking is your ticket to SEO success.

Best Practices for Effective Internal Linking

Best Practices for Effective Internal Linking

Now that we understand the significance of internal linking in SEO, let's delve into the best practices that can supercharge your strategy:

1. Use Keyword-Rich Anchor Text

One of the most crucial aspects of internal linking is using keyword-rich anchor text. Not only does this help users navigate your content more efficiently, but it also signals to search engines the topic of the linked page. In fact, Google itself recommends incorporating keywords in your anchor text. This practice aids in reinforcing the relevance of the linked page.

For instance, consider an internal link on your site pointing to a page discussing "Mobile SEO." By using anchor text like "Mobile SEO," you make it clear to both users and Google that the linked page is focused on this specific topic. However, it's essential to maintain diversity in your anchor text. Using the same exact match anchor text for all your internal links may come across as spammy, even though Google indicates that it typically won't harm your rankings.

2. Link to Important Pages

When you create internal links, you're not just providing navigation; you're also distributing link authority, often referred to as PageRank. While internal links aren't as potent as backlinks from external sites, they can still influence the ranking of your pages within your own domain. To maximise the impact, smart SEOs strategically link to important pages.

Here's how it's done:

Start by using your preferred link-building tool, such as Semrush, to identify the best-performing pages on your site.

These high-authority pages can help bolster other pages' rankings. For instance, if you have a critical page with minimal external backlinks, you can utilize internal linking from high-authority pages to channel link equity to it.

Ensure you use keyword-rich anchor text when it's contextually relevant.

3. Don't Use the Same Anchor Text for Different Pages

To maintain clarity and avoid confusing search engines, it's essential to use different, descriptive anchor text for each page you link to. When you use identical anchor text for different pages, Google might assume that these pages are all about the same topic, potentially diluting the strength of your internal links. For instance, if you have one page on "grain-free chocolate chip cookies" and another on "low-carb chocolate chip cookies," make sure you use descriptive anchor text that reflects the specific content of each page.

4. Audit Internal Links with Google Search Console

The Google Search Console offers a valuable feature called "links," which allows you to evaluate your site's internal link structure. By using this feature, you can assess how your internal links are set up and identify potential areas for improvement. Conducting an internal link audit once or twice a year can help you ensure that the right pages receive the internal link love they deserve. Fixing broken links and optimising the internal link structure can boost the overall health of your website.

5. Put Links High Up On Your Page

The placement of internal links within your content can influence user behaviour and, consequently, SEO. Placing internal links towards the top of your page can reduce bounce rates and improve dwell time. When users spend more time on your site, it signals to search engines that your content is engaging and relevant. This, in turn, can lead to improved rankings. Adding 1-2 internal links at the top of your page when it makes sense can encourage users to explore more of your content early on, keeping them engaged.

6. Use Dofollow Links

To effectively pass PageRank through your site via internal links, it's crucial to use dofollow links. While this may seem obvious, it's worth mentioning, as some individuals mistakenly nofollow their internal links due to settings or plugins. Ensure that your internal links are set as dofollow to allow for the efficient flow of link authority within your site..

7. Use Internal Links to Help with Indexing

While Google generally does a good job of finding and indexing important pages on a website, there are cases where extensive websites with numerous pages or limited crawl budgets might not have every page indexed. Internal links play a crucial role in solving this problem by making it easier for Google to discover and index pages on your site.

Internal links are especially valuable for pages buried deep within your site's architecture, sometimes referred to as "Orphan pages." If there's a particular page or set of pages you want indexed, consider these strategies:

Add internal links to those pages or their respective categories within your site's navigation structure.

Implement direct links from one page to another to strengthen the connection.

Don't forget to link from your sitemap to the pages you wish to get indexed.

By using these internal linking tactics, you ensure that even the most remote and vital pages are not left undiscovered by search engines, contributing to a more comprehensive and effective indexation.

8. Link Strategically From Your Homepage

The homepage of your website typically holds the highest authority and is the most linked-to page on your entire site. As such, it serves as a vital hub for directing link authority to other pages. It's essential to leverage this authority by strategically linking from your homepage to pages that require a boost.

For example, if your homepage is the most authoritative page, ensure it provides internal links to relevant sections or pages that may benefit from the homepage's authority. By doing so, you can effectively distribute link equity to other key areas of your site.

While direct linking from the homepage to important pages is beneficial, linking from the homepage to sections that, in turn, link to other pages can also be effective. This method helps maintain a clear focus on user conversion while still facilitating the flow of authority throughout your site.

9. Avoid Automation

While it may be tempting to automate internal linking using plugins or tools, this approach has its drawbacks. Here are a few reasons to be cautious:

Lack of Strategy: Automation tools may add internal links without a comprehensive understanding of which pages require more emphasis or which pages are the best sources of authority.

Anchor Text Spam: Depending on the size of your site, plugins can generate an excessive number of exact match anchor text internal links, which can be detrimental.

Ignoring User Experience: Internal links serve both SEO and user experience purposes. Plugins and automated tools may not consider user needs and can't replicate manual, user-focused linking strategies.

For a more strategic and user-centric approach, consider manually managing your internal links to ensure you're directing authority where it's most needed.

10. Help with Site Architecture

Internal links play a critical role in shaping your site's architecture. In essence, your internal links are your site's architecture. Not only do they connect pages, but they also help define the logical structure of your website.

To optimise site architecture using internal links:

Establish a network of internal links that connect relevant pages.

Create links that group pages together into categories or themes.

Consider how e-commerce sites expertly link their product pages, creating a well-organised hierarchy that enhances user navigation.

11. Add Internal Links to Old Pages

Periodically adding internal links to older articles on your website can be a highly effective strategy. Consider integrating this practice as part of your quarterly SEO website audit. Here's a step-by-step guide on how it works:

Identify an older article on your site that you published at least a year ago.

Compile a list of newer pages that have been published since the old article's release.

Examine the older article for opportunities to insert internal links to these newer pages.

With this straightforward process, you can effortlessly enhance the internal linking structure of your site by providing older, well-established content with fresh connections to more recent articles.

12. Don't Go Overboard

While internal links are valuable for SEO, it's crucial not to overdo it. Once a page exceeds a certain threshold, roughly 100 links, each additional link starts to pass diminishing value. Keep in mind that this total includes both internal and external links. Going above 100 links on a single page is possible, as seen on some content-rich pages, but be aware that each additional link after that point has less impact.

13. Check Mobile Versions of Your Website

Google acknowledges that it's acceptable to maintain different internal link structures for desktop and mobile versions of your website. However, it's recommended to keep both versions as similar as possible to ensure a seamless user experience. Even so, it's essential to cross-verify that the mobile version of your site includes all the critical internal links present on the desktop version.

14. First Link Priority

In cases where you have identical internal links on the same page, it's essential to be aware of Google's first link priority. This means that the anchor text of the first internal link on a page holds more weight in terms of SEO impact. This is particularly significant when you have an extensive array of links in your site's navigation.

The key takeaway here is that the anchor text used in your site's navigation links is vital. Not only does navigation generate a significant number of internal links, but it can also take precedence over other anchor text on your page.

Now that we understand the significance of internal linking in SEO, let's delve into the best practices that can supercharge your strategy:

1. Use Keyword-Rich Anchor Text

One of the most crucial aspects of internal linking is using keyword-rich anchor text. Not only does this help users navigate your content more efficiently, but it also signals to search engines the topic of the linked page. In fact, Google itself recommends incorporating keywords in your anchor text. This practice aids in reinforcing the relevance of the linked page.

For instance, consider an internal link on your site pointing to a page discussing "Mobile SEO." By using anchor text like "Mobile SEO," you make it clear to both users and Google that the linked page is focused on this specific topic. However, it's essential to maintain diversity in your anchor text. Using the same exact match anchor text for all your internal links may come across as spammy, even though Google indicates that it typically won't harm your rankings.

2. Link to Important Pages

When you create internal links, you're not just providing navigation; you're also distributing link authority, often referred to as PageRank. While internal links aren't as potent as backlinks from external sites, they can still influence the ranking of your pages within your own domain. To maximise the impact, smart SEOs strategically link to important pages.

Here's how it's done:

Start by using your preferred link-building tool, such as Semrush, to identify the best-performing pages on your site.

These high-authority pages can help bolster other pages' rankings. For instance, if you have a critical page with minimal external backlinks, you can utilize internal linking from high-authority pages to channel link equity to it.

Ensure you use keyword-rich anchor text when it's contextually relevant.

3. Don't Use the Same Anchor Text for Different Pages

To maintain clarity and avoid confusing search engines, it's essential to use different, descriptive anchor text for each page you link to. When you use identical anchor text for different pages, Google might assume that these pages are all about the same topic, potentially diluting the strength of your internal links. For instance, if you have one page on "grain-free chocolate chip cookies" and another on "low-carb chocolate chip cookies," make sure you use descriptive anchor text that reflects the specific content of each page.

4. Audit Internal Links with Google Search Console

The Google Search Console offers a valuable feature called "links," which allows you to evaluate your site's internal link structure. By using this feature, you can assess how your internal links are set up and identify potential areas for improvement. Conducting an internal link audit once or twice a year can help you ensure that the right pages receive the internal link love they deserve. Fixing broken links and optimising the internal link structure can boost the overall health of your website.

5. Put Links High Up On Your Page

The placement of internal links within your content can influence user behaviour and, consequently, SEO. Placing internal links towards the top of your page can reduce bounce rates and improve dwell time. When users spend more time on your site, it signals to search engines that your content is engaging and relevant. This, in turn, can lead to improved rankings. Adding 1-2 internal links at the top of your page when it makes sense can encourage users to explore more of your content early on, keeping them engaged.

6. Use Dofollow Links

To effectively pass PageRank through your site via internal links, it's crucial to use dofollow links. While this may seem obvious, it's worth mentioning, as some individuals mistakenly nofollow their internal links due to settings or plugins. Ensure that your internal links are set as dofollow to allow for the efficient flow of link authority within your site..

7. Use Internal Links to Help with Indexing

While Google generally does a good job of finding and indexing important pages on a website, there are cases where extensive websites with numerous pages or limited crawl budgets might not have every page indexed. Internal links play a crucial role in solving this problem by making it easier for Google to discover and index pages on your site.

Internal links are especially valuable for pages buried deep within your site's architecture, sometimes referred to as "Orphan pages." If there's a particular page or set of pages you want indexed, consider these strategies:

Add internal links to those pages or their respective categories within your site's navigation structure.

Implement direct links from one page to another to strengthen the connection.

Don't forget to link from your sitemap to the pages you wish to get indexed.

By using these internal linking tactics, you ensure that even the most remote and vital pages are not left undiscovered by search engines, contributing to a more comprehensive and effective indexation.

8. Link Strategically From Your Homepage

The homepage of your website typically holds the highest authority and is the most linked-to page on your entire site. As such, it serves as a vital hub for directing link authority to other pages. It's essential to leverage this authority by strategically linking from your homepage to pages that require a boost.

For example, if your homepage is the most authoritative page, ensure it provides internal links to relevant sections or pages that may benefit from the homepage's authority. By doing so, you can effectively distribute link equity to other key areas of your site.

While direct linking from the homepage to important pages is beneficial, linking from the homepage to sections that, in turn, link to other pages can also be effective. This method helps maintain a clear focus on user conversion while still facilitating the flow of authority throughout your site.

9. Avoid Automation

While it may be tempting to automate internal linking using plugins or tools, this approach has its drawbacks. Here are a few reasons to be cautious:

Lack of Strategy: Automation tools may add internal links without a comprehensive understanding of which pages require more emphasis or which pages are the best sources of authority.

Anchor Text Spam: Depending on the size of your site, plugins can generate an excessive number of exact match anchor text internal links, which can be detrimental.

Ignoring User Experience: Internal links serve both SEO and user experience purposes. Plugins and automated tools may not consider user needs and can't replicate manual, user-focused linking strategies.

For a more strategic and user-centric approach, consider manually managing your internal links to ensure you're directing authority where it's most needed.

10. Help with Site Architecture

Internal links play a critical role in shaping your site's architecture. In essence, your internal links are your site's architecture. Not only do they connect pages, but they also help define the logical structure of your website.

To optimise site architecture using internal links:

Establish a network of internal links that connect relevant pages.

Create links that group pages together into categories or themes.

Consider how e-commerce sites expertly link their product pages, creating a well-organised hierarchy that enhances user navigation.

11. Add Internal Links to Old Pages

Periodically adding internal links to older articles on your website can be a highly effective strategy. Consider integrating this practice as part of your quarterly SEO website audit. Here's a step-by-step guide on how it works:

Identify an older article on your site that you published at least a year ago.

Compile a list of newer pages that have been published since the old article's release.

Examine the older article for opportunities to insert internal links to these newer pages.

With this straightforward process, you can effortlessly enhance the internal linking structure of your site by providing older, well-established content with fresh connections to more recent articles.

12. Don't Go Overboard

While internal links are valuable for SEO, it's crucial not to overdo it. Once a page exceeds a certain threshold, roughly 100 links, each additional link starts to pass diminishing value. Keep in mind that this total includes both internal and external links. Going above 100 links on a single page is possible, as seen on some content-rich pages, but be aware that each additional link after that point has less impact.

13. Check Mobile Versions of Your Website

Google acknowledges that it's acceptable to maintain different internal link structures for desktop and mobile versions of your website. However, it's recommended to keep both versions as similar as possible to ensure a seamless user experience. Even so, it's essential to cross-verify that the mobile version of your site includes all the critical internal links present on the desktop version.

14. First Link Priority

In cases where you have identical internal links on the same page, it's essential to be aware of Google's first link priority. This means that the anchor text of the first internal link on a page holds more weight in terms of SEO impact. This is particularly significant when you have an extensive array of links in your site's navigation.

The key takeaway here is that the anchor text used in your site's navigation links is vital. Not only does navigation generate a significant number of internal links, but it can also take precedence over other anchor text on your page.

Learn More

Learn More

To dive deeper into the world of website architecture and internal linking, consider exploring the following resources:

  • Website Architecture and Internal Links: This informative video offers a concise yet comprehensive overview of how website architecture and internal linking complement each other. It provides valuable insights into the interplay between these critical elements.

  • Links Report: Discover the power of the "Links Report" in the new Google Search Console (GSC). This report can be an invaluable tool for understanding your site's linking landscape, helping you make informed decisions to enhance your internal linking strategy.

  • Wikipedia is renowned for its mastery of internal linking. To gain inspiration and insights, take a closer look at how Wikipedia implements internal links on its pages. Exploring their linking strategies can offer valuable lessons in effective internal linking.

By exploring these resources, you can deepen your understanding of internal linking and improve your strategy, whether you're focused on website architecture, utilising GSC tools, or seeking inspiration from successful implementations.

Optimize for Success: Don't Miss Out on Your Free Expert Consultation

To dive deeper into the world of website architecture and internal linking, consider exploring the following resources:

  • Website Architecture and Internal Links: This informative video offers a concise yet comprehensive overview of how website architecture and internal linking complement each other. It provides valuable insights into the interplay between these critical elements.

  • Links Report: Discover the power of the "Links Report" in the new Google Search Console (GSC). This report can be an invaluable tool for understanding your site's linking landscape, helping you make informed decisions to enhance your internal linking strategy.

  • Wikipedia is renowned for its mastery of internal linking. To gain inspiration and insights, take a closer look at how Wikipedia implements internal links on its pages. Exploring their linking strategies can offer valuable lessons in effective internal linking.

By exploring these resources, you can deepen your understanding of internal linking and improve your strategy, whether you're focused on website architecture, utilising GSC tools, or seeking inspiration from successful implementations.

Optimize for Success: Don't Miss Out on Your Free Expert Consultation



What are internal links for SEO?

Internal links are hyperlinks that connect different pages within the same website. SEO, helps search engines understand the structure and hierarchy of the site, distribute page authority, and improve user navigation.

How many internal links for SEO?

There isn't a specific number of internal links recommended for SEO. It's more about quality than quantity. Focus on providing relevant and helpful internal links that enhance user experience and guide search engines to important pages.

What is an example of internal linking?

An example of internal linking is when a blog post on a website links to a relevant product page within the same domain. For instance, a blog post about "10 Tips for Healthy Eating" might include a link to the "Healthy Recipes" section of the website

What are internal and external links for SEO?

Internal links are hyperlinks that connect pages within the same website, while external links (also known as outbound links) are hyperlinks that point to pages on external websites. Both internal and external links are important for SEO, but they serve different purposes.

What are backlinks and internal links?

Backlinks, also known as inbound links, are hyperlinks from external websites that point to your website. They are crucial for SEO as they indicate the credibility and authority of your site. Internal links, on the other hand, are hyperlinks that connect pages within the same website. They help with site navigation, distribute page authority, and improve SEO within your own domain.

What are internal links for SEO?

Internal links are hyperlinks that connect different pages within the same website. SEO, helps search engines understand the structure and hierarchy of the site, distribute page authority, and improve user navigation.

How many internal links for SEO?

There isn't a specific number of internal links recommended for SEO. It's more about quality than quantity. Focus on providing relevant and helpful internal links that enhance user experience and guide search engines to important pages.

What is an example of internal linking?

An example of internal linking is when a blog post on a website links to a relevant product page within the same domain. For instance, a blog post about "10 Tips for Healthy Eating" might include a link to the "Healthy Recipes" section of the website

What are internal and external links for SEO?

Internal links are hyperlinks that connect pages within the same website, while external links (also known as outbound links) are hyperlinks that point to pages on external websites. Both internal and external links are important for SEO, but they serve different purposes.

What are backlinks and internal links?

Backlinks, also known as inbound links, are hyperlinks from external websites that point to your website. They are crucial for SEO as they indicate the credibility and authority of your site. Internal links, on the other hand, are hyperlinks that connect pages within the same website. They help with site navigation, distribute page authority, and improve SEO within your own domain.



In the ever-evolving realm of SEO, strategic internal linking stands as a potent tool to enhance website visibility, improve user experience, and bolster authority. As you've journeyed through this guide, you've gained insights into the intricacies of this art.

Strategic internal linking isn't merely about navigation; it's about sculpting a seamless user journey and guiding search engines. With the right anchor text, judicious distribution of link authority, and a user-centric approach, you can elevate your SEO endeavours and surge ahead of competitors.

In the ever-evolving realm of SEO, strategic internal linking stands as a potent tool to enhance website visibility, improve user experience, and bolster authority. As you've journeyed through this guide, you've gained insights into the intricacies of this art.

Strategic internal linking isn't merely about navigation; it's about sculpting a seamless user journey and guiding search engines. With the right anchor text, judicious distribution of link authority, and a user-centric approach, you can elevate your SEO endeavours and surge ahead of competitors.

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