SEO Keyword Research
SEO Keyword Research

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Arup Chatterjee

Arup Chatterjee


Chapter 1: Keyword Research Basics

Chapter 1: Keyword Research Basics

Welcome to the definitive guide on keyword research for 2023! If you're eager to skyrocket your Google rankings and drive more organic traffic to your online presence, you're in the right place.

In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve deep into the world of keyword research, shedding light on the most up-to-date and effective strategies to conquer the ever-evolving SEO landscape.

Here's a glimpse of what you can expect:

Chapter 1 - Keyword Research Basics: We'll start with the fundamental principles of keyword research, laying a strong foundation for your SEO journey.

Chapter 2 - How to Find Keyword Ideas: Discover the secrets to uncovering a treasure trove of keyword ideas that can elevate your content and website visibility.

Chapter 3 - Keyword Research Tools: Navigate the world of popular keyword research tools to streamline your optimization efforts.

Chapter 4 - Keyword Difficulty: Learn how to assess keyword difficulty and make informed choices to maximise your chances of success.

Chapter 5 - How to Choose a Keyword: We'll guide you through the process of selecting the perfect keywords to target for your specific goals.

Chapter 6 - Advanced Tips and Strategies: For those looking to take their SEO game to the next level, we'll share advanced tips and strategies that can give you the competitive edge.

This guide is designed to be your trusted companion on your journey to SEO success. Whether you're a seasoned SEO professional or just getting started, our mission is to empower you with the knowledge and tools you need to thrive in the digital landscape of 2023.

Let's embark on this exciting journey together and unlock the full potential of keyword research. Get ready to discover the goldmine of SEO success that awaits.

Are you ready? Let's dive in!

Chapter 1: Keyword Research Basics

Keyword research is the cornerstone of effective SEO and digital marketing. It's the process of researching, analysing, and applying the search terms that people enter into search engines. These search terms are your gateway to gaining valuable insights that can help you optimise organic traffic and refine your marketing strategies.

In this chapter, we'll take you on a journey through the fundamental principles of keyword research. By the end, you'll not only understand what keyword research is but also why it's a vital component of any successful SEO strategy.

What Is Keyword Research and Why Does It Matter for SEO?

Keyword research is more than just identifying a list of words and phrases related to your niche. It's about understanding how your target audience thinks, what they're searching for, and how they express their needs and questions. This insight empowers you to tailor your content and website to meet those needs effectively.

Think of keyword research as the map that guides you through the complex landscape of the internet. Without it, you might wander aimlessly, missing valuable opportunities to connect with your audience and build your online presence.

A Personal Journey: How Keyword Research Transformed My Website

To illustrate the real-world impact of keyword research, I'd like to share my personal experience. By implementing solid keyword research practices, my site's search engine traffic grew to an impressive 360,000+ unique visitors per month.

I'll take you through the strategies and tactics I used, giving you a glimpse of how proper keyword research can drive significant results. Learning from these practical examples will not only inspire you but also equip you with the knowledge and motivation to take your own website to new heights.

The journey begins with the basics, but the results can be truly transformative. So, let's dive in and start uncovering the secrets of keyword research that will set you on the path to SEO success.

How Keyword Research Helped My Site's Traffic Grow

Today, my website welcomes an impressive 449,058 visitors every month. What's even more astonishing is that 362,732 of these visitors, accounting for 80.78%, come directly from Google. When you're in the SEO game, statistics like these are the stuff of dreams.

Now, you might be thinking, "How did I achieve this success with SEO?" Well, it's essential to acknowledge that various factors played a part in my site's journey to the top. From high-quality content and meticulous on-site optimization to effective link building and technical SEO, each component contributed to the success story.

However, if I had to pick the single most influential factor that propelled my site to these remarkable heights, it would undoubtedly be keyword research.

Let me share a concrete example:

Some time ago, I applied the very process I'm about to unveil in this guide to uncover a low-competition keyword: "mobile SEO." Armed with this valuable insight, I created a piece of SEO-optimised content titled "The Definitive Guide to Mobile SEO."

In a crowded online landscape, this keyword wasn't excessively competitive, which worked in my favour. Soon after publishing the guide, my site swiftly climbed to the top three positions in Google's search results for the term.

Imagine the impact. Thanks to this top 3 ranking, that single page alone brings in hundreds of visitors from Google each month.

The power of keyword research became evident as I watched this low-competition keyword translate into a steady stream of organic traffic. It's a testament to how choosing the right keywords and creating targeted content can lead to tangible results. The potential is vast, and you're about to embark on your journey to unlock that potential.

So, are you ready to explore the intricacies of keyword research and leverage it to achieve remarkable results for your site? Let's dive deeper into this exciting world.

Welcome to the definitive guide on keyword research for 2023! If you're eager to skyrocket your Google rankings and drive more organic traffic to your online presence, you're in the right place.

In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve deep into the world of keyword research, shedding light on the most up-to-date and effective strategies to conquer the ever-evolving SEO landscape.

Here's a glimpse of what you can expect:

Chapter 1 - Keyword Research Basics: We'll start with the fundamental principles of keyword research, laying a strong foundation for your SEO journey.

Chapter 2 - How to Find Keyword Ideas: Discover the secrets to uncovering a treasure trove of keyword ideas that can elevate your content and website visibility.

Chapter 3 - Keyword Research Tools: Navigate the world of popular keyword research tools to streamline your optimization efforts.

Chapter 4 - Keyword Difficulty: Learn how to assess keyword difficulty and make informed choices to maximise your chances of success.

Chapter 5 - How to Choose a Keyword: We'll guide you through the process of selecting the perfect keywords to target for your specific goals.

Chapter 6 - Advanced Tips and Strategies: For those looking to take their SEO game to the next level, we'll share advanced tips and strategies that can give you the competitive edge.

This guide is designed to be your trusted companion on your journey to SEO success. Whether you're a seasoned SEO professional or just getting started, our mission is to empower you with the knowledge and tools you need to thrive in the digital landscape of 2023.

Let's embark on this exciting journey together and unlock the full potential of keyword research. Get ready to discover the goldmine of SEO success that awaits.

Are you ready? Let's dive in!

Chapter 1: Keyword Research Basics

Keyword research is the cornerstone of effective SEO and digital marketing. It's the process of researching, analysing, and applying the search terms that people enter into search engines. These search terms are your gateway to gaining valuable insights that can help you optimise organic traffic and refine your marketing strategies.

In this chapter, we'll take you on a journey through the fundamental principles of keyword research. By the end, you'll not only understand what keyword research is but also why it's a vital component of any successful SEO strategy.

What Is Keyword Research and Why Does It Matter for SEO?

Keyword research is more than just identifying a list of words and phrases related to your niche. It's about understanding how your target audience thinks, what they're searching for, and how they express their needs and questions. This insight empowers you to tailor your content and website to meet those needs effectively.

Think of keyword research as the map that guides you through the complex landscape of the internet. Without it, you might wander aimlessly, missing valuable opportunities to connect with your audience and build your online presence.

A Personal Journey: How Keyword Research Transformed My Website

To illustrate the real-world impact of keyword research, I'd like to share my personal experience. By implementing solid keyword research practices, my site's search engine traffic grew to an impressive 360,000+ unique visitors per month.

I'll take you through the strategies and tactics I used, giving you a glimpse of how proper keyword research can drive significant results. Learning from these practical examples will not only inspire you but also equip you with the knowledge and motivation to take your own website to new heights.

The journey begins with the basics, but the results can be truly transformative. So, let's dive in and start uncovering the secrets of keyword research that will set you on the path to SEO success.

How Keyword Research Helped My Site's Traffic Grow

Today, my website welcomes an impressive 449,058 visitors every month. What's even more astonishing is that 362,732 of these visitors, accounting for 80.78%, come directly from Google. When you're in the SEO game, statistics like these are the stuff of dreams.

Now, you might be thinking, "How did I achieve this success with SEO?" Well, it's essential to acknowledge that various factors played a part in my site's journey to the top. From high-quality content and meticulous on-site optimization to effective link building and technical SEO, each component contributed to the success story.

However, if I had to pick the single most influential factor that propelled my site to these remarkable heights, it would undoubtedly be keyword research.

Let me share a concrete example:

Some time ago, I applied the very process I'm about to unveil in this guide to uncover a low-competition keyword: "mobile SEO." Armed with this valuable insight, I created a piece of SEO-optimised content titled "The Definitive Guide to Mobile SEO."

In a crowded online landscape, this keyword wasn't excessively competitive, which worked in my favour. Soon after publishing the guide, my site swiftly climbed to the top three positions in Google's search results for the term.

Imagine the impact. Thanks to this top 3 ranking, that single page alone brings in hundreds of visitors from Google each month.

The power of keyword research became evident as I watched this low-competition keyword translate into a steady stream of organic traffic. It's a testament to how choosing the right keywords and creating targeted content can lead to tangible results. The potential is vast, and you're about to embark on your journey to unlock that potential.

So, are you ready to explore the intricacies of keyword research and leverage it to achieve remarkable results for your site? Let's dive deeper into this exciting world.

Chapter 2: How to Find Keyword Ideas

Chapter 2: How to Find Keyword Ideas

Now that you have a taste of the power of keyword research, it's time to roll up your sleeves and dive deep into the world of generating keyword ideas. This chapter is all about getting down to the nitty-gritty of keyword research, and by the end of it, you'll have a wealth of keyword ideas at your fingertips.

Brainstorm a List of Topics

To effectively perform keyword research, you first need a robust list of topics that are of interest to your target audience. These topics will serve as the foundation for your keyword research efforts. Let's explore some techniques to generate a diverse list of topics:

1. Start with Broad Categories

Imagine you run a digital marketing agency. Begin by thinking about the broad categories related to your business. Ask yourself, "What topics do people search for that are related to my business?" Some initial categories that come to mind include:

  • Social media

  • Email marketing

  • Website traffic

  • Content marketing

  • Blogging

  • PPC

Keep in mind that these are not keywords; they're broad topics that will serve as the starting point for your keyword research.

2. Wikipedia Table of Contents

Wikipedia is a treasure trove of curated knowledge organised into neat categories. It's a goldmine for keyword research. Here's how to use Wikipedia to find keyword ideas:

a. Start by entering a broad keyword related to your niche, like "Coffee."

b. Visit the Wikipedia entry for that keyword.

c. Explore the "contents" section to find subtopics covered on that page.

d. Click on internal links within the page to discover additional keywords related to your topic.

3. Searches Related To

Google's "Searches Related To" section, located at the bottom of search results, is a valuable source of related keywords:

a. Search for a keyword relevant to your topic, such as "content marketing."

b. Scroll to the bottom of the search results to find a list of eight related keywords suggested by Google. These are keywords that people actively search for and can be added to your list.

Pro Tip: Click on one of the "Searches Related To" keywords and then scroll to the bottom of the results to discover more related keywords. Repeat this process to expand your list further.

4. Find Keywords on Reddit

Your target audience likely frequents Reddit, making it a great place to discover keyword ideas:

a. Search for a broad topic related to your niche, like "dogs."

b. Explore relevant subreddits where your audience hangs out.

c. Look for threads with substantial engagement, as these often contain valuable keyword ideas.

Pro Tip: Consider using the free SEO tool "Keyworddit" to scan Reddit for words and phrases used by Redditors and sort them by monthly search volume.

5. Use Google and YouTube Suggest

Type your chosen topics into Google and take note of the suggestions provided by Google Suggest:

a. Type a topic, like "content marketing," into the Google search bar.

b. Examine the keyword suggestions that appear as you type. Google Suggest offers keywords that are popular and actively searched for.

You can also leverage YouTube Suggest and Bing for additional keyword suggestions.

6. Find Popular Topics Using Forums

Forums provide valuable insights into the interests and struggles of your target audience. To locate relevant forums:

a. Use Google with search strings like "keyword forum," "keyword" + "forum," "keyword" + "forums," or "keyword" + "board."

Once you identify a forum, explore its sections, as each can potentially yield valuable keywords. Additionally, delve into forum threads to discover specific topics that resonate with your target audience.

With these techniques, you'll create a comprehensive list of topics that you can further refine into actionable keywords for your SEO and content strategy.

The Quest for Keyword Ideas

The foundation of successful SEO lies in a solid keyword strategy. Your first step is to uncover those golden keywords that align perfectly with your content and business goals. These keywords will act as your compass, guiding you through the digital wilderness.

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Proven Strategies to Uncover Abundant Keyword Ideas

To make this process efficient and fruitful, I'm here to show you proven strategies that will help you unearth a treasure trove of keyword ideas. With these strategies in your arsenal, you'll never run short of keywords to target. Let's dive right in:

1. Understanding Your Audience: The key to keyword research is understanding your target audience. What are their pain points, interests, and questions? By delving into their world, you'll discover keywords that resonate with them.

2. Leveraging Competitor Research: Your competitors can be a goldmine of keyword ideas. Analyse their content and identify the keywords that are driving traffic to their sites. This can provide valuable insights into what works in your niche.

3. Exploring Long-Tail Keywords: Long-tail keywords may have lower search volumes, but they often represent highly specific user intent. These keywords can be a valuable source of organic traffic and conversions.

4. Utilising Keyword Research Tools: There's an array of keyword research tools available that can simplify the process. Tools like SEMrush, Ahrefs, and Google's Keyword Planner can help you identify keywords, assess their search volumes, and gauge their competitiveness.

5. Mining Search Queries: Analyse the search queries in your website's search bar, Google Search Console, or analytics data. These are real queries from your audience, and they can provide insights into what your visitors are looking for.

6. Content Gaps and Clusters: Identify content gaps in your niche by analysing the topics and keywords that your competitors have covered. Filling these gaps can help you attract a wider audience.

Your Journey Begins

With these strategies in your toolkit, you're well-equipped to dive into the exciting world of keyword research. As we explore these techniques in-depth, you'll be amazed by the wealth of keyword ideas waiting to be discovered. So, let's embark on this journey, and by the end of this chapter, you'll be ready to conquer keyword research with confidence and precision.

Let's start unearthing those valuable keywords!

Now that you have a taste of the power of keyword research, it's time to roll up your sleeves and dive deep into the world of generating keyword ideas. This chapter is all about getting down to the nitty-gritty of keyword research, and by the end of it, you'll have a wealth of keyword ideas at your fingertips.

Brainstorm a List of Topics

To effectively perform keyword research, you first need a robust list of topics that are of interest to your target audience. These topics will serve as the foundation for your keyword research efforts. Let's explore some techniques to generate a diverse list of topics:

1. Start with Broad Categories

Imagine you run a digital marketing agency. Begin by thinking about the broad categories related to your business. Ask yourself, "What topics do people search for that are related to my business?" Some initial categories that come to mind include:

  • Social media

  • Email marketing

  • Website traffic

  • Content marketing

  • Blogging

  • PPC

Keep in mind that these are not keywords; they're broad topics that will serve as the starting point for your keyword research.

2. Wikipedia Table of Contents

Wikipedia is a treasure trove of curated knowledge organised into neat categories. It's a goldmine for keyword research. Here's how to use Wikipedia to find keyword ideas:

a. Start by entering a broad keyword related to your niche, like "Coffee."

b. Visit the Wikipedia entry for that keyword.

c. Explore the "contents" section to find subtopics covered on that page.

d. Click on internal links within the page to discover additional keywords related to your topic.

3. Searches Related To

Google's "Searches Related To" section, located at the bottom of search results, is a valuable source of related keywords:

a. Search for a keyword relevant to your topic, such as "content marketing."

b. Scroll to the bottom of the search results to find a list of eight related keywords suggested by Google. These are keywords that people actively search for and can be added to your list.

Pro Tip: Click on one of the "Searches Related To" keywords and then scroll to the bottom of the results to discover more related keywords. Repeat this process to expand your list further.

4. Find Keywords on Reddit

Your target audience likely frequents Reddit, making it a great place to discover keyword ideas:

a. Search for a broad topic related to your niche, like "dogs."

b. Explore relevant subreddits where your audience hangs out.

c. Look for threads with substantial engagement, as these often contain valuable keyword ideas.

Pro Tip: Consider using the free SEO tool "Keyworddit" to scan Reddit for words and phrases used by Redditors and sort them by monthly search volume.

5. Use Google and YouTube Suggest

Type your chosen topics into Google and take note of the suggestions provided by Google Suggest:

a. Type a topic, like "content marketing," into the Google search bar.

b. Examine the keyword suggestions that appear as you type. Google Suggest offers keywords that are popular and actively searched for.

You can also leverage YouTube Suggest and Bing for additional keyword suggestions.

6. Find Popular Topics Using Forums

Forums provide valuable insights into the interests and struggles of your target audience. To locate relevant forums:

a. Use Google with search strings like "keyword forum," "keyword" + "forum," "keyword" + "forums," or "keyword" + "board."

Once you identify a forum, explore its sections, as each can potentially yield valuable keywords. Additionally, delve into forum threads to discover specific topics that resonate with your target audience.

With these techniques, you'll create a comprehensive list of topics that you can further refine into actionable keywords for your SEO and content strategy.

The Quest for Keyword Ideas

The foundation of successful SEO lies in a solid keyword strategy. Your first step is to uncover those golden keywords that align perfectly with your content and business goals. These keywords will act as your compass, guiding you through the digital wilderness.

Elevate Your Website's SEO: Schedule Your Complimentary Expert Consultation!

Proven Strategies to Uncover Abundant Keyword Ideas

To make this process efficient and fruitful, I'm here to show you proven strategies that will help you unearth a treasure trove of keyword ideas. With these strategies in your arsenal, you'll never run short of keywords to target. Let's dive right in:

1. Understanding Your Audience: The key to keyword research is understanding your target audience. What are their pain points, interests, and questions? By delving into their world, you'll discover keywords that resonate with them.

2. Leveraging Competitor Research: Your competitors can be a goldmine of keyword ideas. Analyse their content and identify the keywords that are driving traffic to their sites. This can provide valuable insights into what works in your niche.

3. Exploring Long-Tail Keywords: Long-tail keywords may have lower search volumes, but they often represent highly specific user intent. These keywords can be a valuable source of organic traffic and conversions.

4. Utilising Keyword Research Tools: There's an array of keyword research tools available that can simplify the process. Tools like SEMrush, Ahrefs, and Google's Keyword Planner can help you identify keywords, assess their search volumes, and gauge their competitiveness.

5. Mining Search Queries: Analyse the search queries in your website's search bar, Google Search Console, or analytics data. These are real queries from your audience, and they can provide insights into what your visitors are looking for.

6. Content Gaps and Clusters: Identify content gaps in your niche by analysing the topics and keywords that your competitors have covered. Filling these gaps can help you attract a wider audience.

Your Journey Begins

With these strategies in your toolkit, you're well-equipped to dive into the exciting world of keyword research. As we explore these techniques in-depth, you'll be amazed by the wealth of keyword ideas waiting to be discovered. So, let's embark on this journey, and by the end of this chapter, you'll be ready to conquer keyword research with confidence and precision.

Let's start unearthing those valuable keywords!

Chapter 3: Keyword Research Tools

Chapter 3: Keyword Research Tools

In the world of keyword research, tools can be your most valuable allies. While it's possible to find keywords manually, using dedicated tools can significantly simplify and enhance the entire process. In this chapter, we'll explore a selection of essential keyword research tools that I personally use and recommend.

1. Google Keyword Planner

Google's Keyword Planner is a cornerstone of keyword research, offering access to the most reliable source of keyword data online. The data provided by the Keyword Planner comes directly from Google, ensuring accuracy. While its primary focus is aiding Google ad campaigns, it's a valuable resource for finding keyword ideas and uncovering high-traffic search queries.


Exploding Topics is a relatively new tool that operates like an enhanced version of Google Trends. It scours the web for keywords that are surging in popularity and presents them to you. You can even categorise the list of topics, making it a convenient resource for discovering trending topics in your niche.

3. Keyword Surfer

Keyword Surfer is a highly practical keyword research tool due to its integration with Google's search results. By installing the Chrome extension, you gain access to a list of keyword ideas and valuable data right within Google's search results pages. It streamlines the process of finding keywords and assessing their potential.

4. Ubersuggest

Ubersuggest is a versatile tool for generating keyword ideas. It has recently undergone significant improvements and now provides data such as search volume, CPC (Cost Per Click), keyword difficulty, and more. Ubersuggest is known for its ability to extract keyword ideas from Google's search suggestions.

5. SEMrush

SEMrush is a powerful, paid keyword research tool that offers immense time-saving capabilities. One of its standout features is the ability to reveal the exact keywords for which a website is already ranking. This feature is incredibly valuable for competitive research, enabling you to uncover and potentially steal your competitors' keywords.

6. Ahrefs

While Ahrefs is renowned as a top-notch link-building tool, it also boasts a robust keyword research tool in the form of "Keyword Explorer." This tool provides comprehensive data on each keyword, assisting you in making informed decisions about keyword targeting. Ahrefs is especially useful for exploring the potential of specific keywords.

Although these tools serve different purposes and cater to various aspects of keyword research, they are all valuable assets in your SEO toolkit. Whether you're just starting or are an experienced SEO professional, having these tools at your disposal can significantly boost your keyword research capabilities.

In the world of keyword research, tools can be your most valuable allies. While it's possible to find keywords manually, using dedicated tools can significantly simplify and enhance the entire process. In this chapter, we'll explore a selection of essential keyword research tools that I personally use and recommend.

1. Google Keyword Planner

Google's Keyword Planner is a cornerstone of keyword research, offering access to the most reliable source of keyword data online. The data provided by the Keyword Planner comes directly from Google, ensuring accuracy. While its primary focus is aiding Google ad campaigns, it's a valuable resource for finding keyword ideas and uncovering high-traffic search queries.


Exploding Topics is a relatively new tool that operates like an enhanced version of Google Trends. It scours the web for keywords that are surging in popularity and presents them to you. You can even categorise the list of topics, making it a convenient resource for discovering trending topics in your niche.

3. Keyword Surfer

Keyword Surfer is a highly practical keyword research tool due to its integration with Google's search results. By installing the Chrome extension, you gain access to a list of keyword ideas and valuable data right within Google's search results pages. It streamlines the process of finding keywords and assessing their potential.

4. Ubersuggest

Ubersuggest is a versatile tool for generating keyword ideas. It has recently undergone significant improvements and now provides data such as search volume, CPC (Cost Per Click), keyword difficulty, and more. Ubersuggest is known for its ability to extract keyword ideas from Google's search suggestions.

5. SEMrush

SEMrush is a powerful, paid keyword research tool that offers immense time-saving capabilities. One of its standout features is the ability to reveal the exact keywords for which a website is already ranking. This feature is incredibly valuable for competitive research, enabling you to uncover and potentially steal your competitors' keywords.

6. Ahrefs

While Ahrefs is renowned as a top-notch link-building tool, it also boasts a robust keyword research tool in the form of "Keyword Explorer." This tool provides comprehensive data on each keyword, assisting you in making informed decisions about keyword targeting. Ahrefs is especially useful for exploring the potential of specific keywords.

Although these tools serve different purposes and cater to various aspects of keyword research, they are all valuable assets in your SEO toolkit. Whether you're just starting or are an experienced SEO professional, having these tools at your disposal can significantly boost your keyword research capabilities.

Chapter 4: Keyword Difficulty

Chapter 4: Keyword Difficulty

Determining the difficulty of ranking for a keyword is a critical aspect of keyword research. You want to identify keywords that are both relevant to your content and manageable in terms of competition. In this chapter, we'll explore how to assess a keyword's SEO difficulty and choose keywords that align with your goals and website's authority.

1. Long Tails Are (Usually) Less Competitive

If you're dealing with a brand-new website or if you want to focus on keywords with minimal competition, long-tail keywords are your best friends. In SEO, keywords are often categorised into three types: head terms, body keywords, and long-tail keywords.

Head Terms: These are single-word keywords with high search volume and intense competition. Examples include keywords like "insurance" or "vitamins." Head terms typically have vague searcher intent and low conversion rates.

Body Keywords: Body keywords consist of 2-3 word phrases with decent search volume (around 2,000 searches per month). Examples include "life insurance" or "order vitamins online." They are more specific and generally have less competition than head terms.

Long Tail Keywords: Long-tail keywords are highly specific, 4+ word phrases, such as "affordable life insurance for senior citizens" or "order vitamin D capsules online." They have relatively low individual search volume (usually 10-200 searches per month) but, collectively, make up the majority of online searches. Long-tail keywords are often less competitive due to their limited search volume.

While all three keyword categories have their pros and cons, long-tail keywords are usually less competitive.

2. Authority of Sites on Google's First Page

One quick method to evaluate a keyword's competition level is to perform a Google search for that keyword. Examine the website's ranking on the first page. If the first page primarily consists of authoritative sites like Wikipedia, it may indicate intense competition, making it a challenging keyword to target.

However, if you notice smaller blogs or less-established sites ranking on the first page, it suggests that there's a chance for your content to also reach the top positions.

3. Keyword Difficulty Inside of Keyword Tools

Most keyword research tools offer a keyword difficulty feature. Tools like SEMrush, Ahrefs, KWFinder, and Moz Pro provide insights into keyword competition levels based on a combination of page authority and domain authority. Each tool may generate slightly different keyword difficulty scores, but they generally offer a useful general idea of a keyword's competitiveness.

If your preferred keyword tool includes a keyword difficulty feature, it's advisable to use it for assessing the competitiveness of your selected keywords.

4. CanIRank

CanIRank is a dedicated tool for assessing keyword difficulty. What sets it apart is that it doesn't simply provide a keyword difficulty score. Instead, it evaluates a keyword's competition level relative to your website's authority. It takes into account both Google's first page competition and your site's strength to deliver a "Ranking Probability."

For example, if you input the keyword "SEO" into CanIRank and it determines that your site has a 90% probability of ranking for this keyword, it means that the keyword is relatively less competitive for your specific website.

CanIRank's approach can be particularly valuable in tailoring your keyword strategy based on your website's unique circumstances.

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Determining the difficulty of ranking for a keyword is a critical aspect of keyword research. You want to identify keywords that are both relevant to your content and manageable in terms of competition. In this chapter, we'll explore how to assess a keyword's SEO difficulty and choose keywords that align with your goals and website's authority.

1. Long Tails Are (Usually) Less Competitive

If you're dealing with a brand-new website or if you want to focus on keywords with minimal competition, long-tail keywords are your best friends. In SEO, keywords are often categorised into three types: head terms, body keywords, and long-tail keywords.

Head Terms: These are single-word keywords with high search volume and intense competition. Examples include keywords like "insurance" or "vitamins." Head terms typically have vague searcher intent and low conversion rates.

Body Keywords: Body keywords consist of 2-3 word phrases with decent search volume (around 2,000 searches per month). Examples include "life insurance" or "order vitamins online." They are more specific and generally have less competition than head terms.

Long Tail Keywords: Long-tail keywords are highly specific, 4+ word phrases, such as "affordable life insurance for senior citizens" or "order vitamin D capsules online." They have relatively low individual search volume (usually 10-200 searches per month) but, collectively, make up the majority of online searches. Long-tail keywords are often less competitive due to their limited search volume.

While all three keyword categories have their pros and cons, long-tail keywords are usually less competitive.

2. Authority of Sites on Google's First Page

One quick method to evaluate a keyword's competition level is to perform a Google search for that keyword. Examine the website's ranking on the first page. If the first page primarily consists of authoritative sites like Wikipedia, it may indicate intense competition, making it a challenging keyword to target.

However, if you notice smaller blogs or less-established sites ranking on the first page, it suggests that there's a chance for your content to also reach the top positions.

3. Keyword Difficulty Inside of Keyword Tools

Most keyword research tools offer a keyword difficulty feature. Tools like SEMrush, Ahrefs, KWFinder, and Moz Pro provide insights into keyword competition levels based on a combination of page authority and domain authority. Each tool may generate slightly different keyword difficulty scores, but they generally offer a useful general idea of a keyword's competitiveness.

If your preferred keyword tool includes a keyword difficulty feature, it's advisable to use it for assessing the competitiveness of your selected keywords.

4. CanIRank

CanIRank is a dedicated tool for assessing keyword difficulty. What sets it apart is that it doesn't simply provide a keyword difficulty score. Instead, it evaluates a keyword's competition level relative to your website's authority. It takes into account both Google's first page competition and your site's strength to deliver a "Ranking Probability."

For example, if you input the keyword "SEO" into CanIRank and it determines that your site has a 90% probability of ranking for this keyword, it means that the keyword is relatively less competitive for your specific website.

CanIRank's approach can be particularly valuable in tailoring your keyword strategy based on your website's unique circumstances.

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Chapter 5: How to Choose a Keyword

Chapter 5: How to Choose a Keyword

Now that you've compiled a list of potential keywords, the next step is choosing the right one for your content. While there's no tool that can definitively tell you the absolute best keyword, several critical factors can help you make an informed decision. In this chapter, we'll explore the key criteria to evaluate when selecting the ideal keyword that aligns with your business goals and your website's capabilities.

1. Search Volume

Search volume is a straightforward metric. It represents the number of people searching for a particular keyword. Generally, the more people searching for a keyword, the more potential traffic you can capture.

However, it's crucial to understand that what constitutes a "good" search volume varies significantly between different industries. For instance, a long-tail keyword in the fitness niche, such as "best ab exercises," can attract 10,000 to 100,000 searches per month. In contrast, a similar long-tail keyword in the B2B digital marketing space, like "best SEO software," may only receive 100 to 1,000 monthly searches.

To determine what qualifies as "high" or "low" search volume in your industry, you need to research your specific niche. Select keywords based on what is considered "normal" for your field.

2. Organic Click-Through Rate (CTR)

In today's digital landscape, the number of users clicking on organic search results has decreased. This decline can be attributed to various factors, including the rise of Featured Snippets and the prevalence of Google Ads in search results. Simply put, search volume doesn't provide the complete picture. To estimate how many clicks you might receive from a top-ranking Google result, you also need to evaluate organic CTR.

Two methods to estimate organic CTR are:

SERP Analysis: Examine the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) for your keyword. If you observe elements like Featured Snippets and numerous Google Ads, it indicates lower organic CTR potential, even if you rank first.

Keyword Tools: Tools like Ahrefs and Moz Pro provide estimates of organic CTR for specific keywords. These estimates take into account factors such as page authority and domain authority.

Consider that a keyword with a lower CTR isn't necessarily unworthy if it has substantial search volume. High search volume combined with an acceptable CTR may still make the keyword worthwhile.

3. Difficulty

If your website is relatively new or doesn't possess many backlinks, it's wise to start by targeting low-competition keywords. As your site gains authority over time, you can gradually shift your focus to more competitive terms.

For example, when I launched Backlinko, my initial strategy centred on targeting long-tail keywords with minimal competition, such as "how to get backlinks." This approach allowed me to generate organic traffic in a short time frame, contributing to my early SEO success.

Now, with over 37,000 referring domains, I have the option to target more competitive keywords, like "YouTube SEO." Adapting your keyword strategy based on your website's growth and authority is a sound approach.

4. Cost Per Click (CPC)

CPC, or cost per click, is a vital metric that indicates whether people searching for a keyword are willing to spend money. While search volume is important, if a keyword lacks commercial intent, it may not be worth pursuing.

In some cases, even keywords with relatively low search volume can yield a high return on investment if the CPC is substantial. For example, the keyword "link building services" might not have a high search volume, but with a CPC of $25.00, it demonstrates significant commercial potential.

Choosing keywords based on both search volume and CPC can help identify opportunities that align with your business goals.

5. Business Fit

An often overlooked but essential factor is the alignment between a keyword and your business. Even if a keyword seems promising in terms of search volume, CPC, and competition, it may not be the right fit for your business.

For instance, consider a keyword like "backlink checker." While it has a decent search volume and a $4.01 CPC, it might not be beneficial for a business like Backlinko, which focuses on SEO training and does not offer a backlink analysis tool.

In contrast, a keyword like "YouTube SEO," with a lower CPC of $2.22, may be more valuable for Backlinko due to its direct relevance to the business's services. Ensuring that a keyword aligns with your business's offerings is crucial in maximising the potential return on investment.

6. Keyword Trends

The last consideration is to evaluate the trend associated with the keyword. Google Trends is a valuable tool for this purpose. Assess whether interest in the keyword is increasing, declining, or remaining stable over time.

For example, when contemplating the keyword "voice search SEO," a glance at Google Trends reveals a growing interest in the topic. This information can guide you in deciding whether to target a keyword with upward or declining popularity.

Remember that assessing keyword trends can be particularly useful for long-term content strategies, as it provides insights into future potential traffic growth.

Now that you've compiled a list of potential keywords, the next step is choosing the right one for your content. While there's no tool that can definitively tell you the absolute best keyword, several critical factors can help you make an informed decision. In this chapter, we'll explore the key criteria to evaluate when selecting the ideal keyword that aligns with your business goals and your website's capabilities.

1. Search Volume

Search volume is a straightforward metric. It represents the number of people searching for a particular keyword. Generally, the more people searching for a keyword, the more potential traffic you can capture.

However, it's crucial to understand that what constitutes a "good" search volume varies significantly between different industries. For instance, a long-tail keyword in the fitness niche, such as "best ab exercises," can attract 10,000 to 100,000 searches per month. In contrast, a similar long-tail keyword in the B2B digital marketing space, like "best SEO software," may only receive 100 to 1,000 monthly searches.

To determine what qualifies as "high" or "low" search volume in your industry, you need to research your specific niche. Select keywords based on what is considered "normal" for your field.

2. Organic Click-Through Rate (CTR)

In today's digital landscape, the number of users clicking on organic search results has decreased. This decline can be attributed to various factors, including the rise of Featured Snippets and the prevalence of Google Ads in search results. Simply put, search volume doesn't provide the complete picture. To estimate how many clicks you might receive from a top-ranking Google result, you also need to evaluate organic CTR.

Two methods to estimate organic CTR are:

SERP Analysis: Examine the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) for your keyword. If you observe elements like Featured Snippets and numerous Google Ads, it indicates lower organic CTR potential, even if you rank first.

Keyword Tools: Tools like Ahrefs and Moz Pro provide estimates of organic CTR for specific keywords. These estimates take into account factors such as page authority and domain authority.

Consider that a keyword with a lower CTR isn't necessarily unworthy if it has substantial search volume. High search volume combined with an acceptable CTR may still make the keyword worthwhile.

3. Difficulty

If your website is relatively new or doesn't possess many backlinks, it's wise to start by targeting low-competition keywords. As your site gains authority over time, you can gradually shift your focus to more competitive terms.

For example, when I launched Backlinko, my initial strategy centred on targeting long-tail keywords with minimal competition, such as "how to get backlinks." This approach allowed me to generate organic traffic in a short time frame, contributing to my early SEO success.

Now, with over 37,000 referring domains, I have the option to target more competitive keywords, like "YouTube SEO." Adapting your keyword strategy based on your website's growth and authority is a sound approach.

4. Cost Per Click (CPC)

CPC, or cost per click, is a vital metric that indicates whether people searching for a keyword are willing to spend money. While search volume is important, if a keyword lacks commercial intent, it may not be worth pursuing.

In some cases, even keywords with relatively low search volume can yield a high return on investment if the CPC is substantial. For example, the keyword "link building services" might not have a high search volume, but with a CPC of $25.00, it demonstrates significant commercial potential.

Choosing keywords based on both search volume and CPC can help identify opportunities that align with your business goals.

5. Business Fit

An often overlooked but essential factor is the alignment between a keyword and your business. Even if a keyword seems promising in terms of search volume, CPC, and competition, it may not be the right fit for your business.

For instance, consider a keyword like "backlink checker." While it has a decent search volume and a $4.01 CPC, it might not be beneficial for a business like Backlinko, which focuses on SEO training and does not offer a backlink analysis tool.

In contrast, a keyword like "YouTube SEO," with a lower CPC of $2.22, may be more valuable for Backlinko due to its direct relevance to the business's services. Ensuring that a keyword aligns with your business's offerings is crucial in maximising the potential return on investment.

6. Keyword Trends

The last consideration is to evaluate the trend associated with the keyword. Google Trends is a valuable tool for this purpose. Assess whether interest in the keyword is increasing, declining, or remaining stable over time.

For example, when contemplating the keyword "voice search SEO," a glance at Google Trends reveals a growing interest in the topic. This information can guide you in deciding whether to target a keyword with upward or declining popularity.

Remember that assessing keyword trends can be particularly useful for long-term content strategies, as it provides insights into future potential traffic growth.

Chapter 6: Advanced Tips & Strategies

Chapter 6: Advanced Tips & Strategies

Congratulations on mastering the basics of keyword research. Now, it's time to dive into advanced keyword research techniques and strategies that can take your SEO efforts to the next level. These tactics will help you extract the most value from your keyword research and maximize your visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs).

1. Barnacle SEO

Once you've identified the perfect keyword and achieved a top-ranking position, your work is not quite done. Barnacle SEO, a clever tactic, allows you to leverage the authority of other high-ranking websites to further dominate the first page of Google's search results.

For example, if your target keyword is "YouTube SEO," and your blog post ranks in the top 3, you can expand your reach by creating optimized content on authoritative platforms like YouTube, LinkedIn, Medium, and more. This additional content can also rank on Google's first page, providing you with more valuable real estate.

Expanding your presence on the first page of search results increases your visibility, traffic, and authority in your niche.

2. GSC Keyword Research

The Google Search Console (GSC) is a treasure trove of keyword ideas and insights. By exploring the "Performance Report" in your GSC account, you can identify valuable keywords that attract user impressions and clicks from Google searches.

Start by logging into your GSC account and accessing the "Performance Report."

Sort the list by "Impressions" to identify keywords that receive substantial impressions but not necessarily clicks.

Create content optimized around these high-impression keywords, as they are queries people are searching for, and Google already considers your site a good fit for these keywords.

GSC keyword research allows you to target keywords you know are relevant and attainable, enhancing your chances of ranking and attracting valuable traffic.

3. Optimise Content Around Synonyms and Related Keywords

While it's essential to optimize your content around your primary keyword, don't overlook the opportunity to include synonyms and closely related terms. This strategy can broaden your content's reach and capture additional search engine traffic.

For example, if your main keyword is "search engine visibility," incorporate variations like "SEO visibility" to make your content more comprehensive. By doing so, you can rank for a range of keyword variations, increasing your chances of attracting diverse organic traffic.

Optimizing content around synonyms and related keywords improves your content's relevance and ensures it remains valuable to a broader audience.

4. Ahrefs Content Gap

Ahrefs Content Gap is a powerful feature that can elevate your keyword research strategy. It allows you to identify keywords that your competitors rank for but you don't. By leveraging this tool, you can take your competitor keyword analysis to the next level.

Here's how to use Ahrefs Content Gap effectively:

Access Ahrefs Content Gap.

Enter 2-3 competing websites that are relevant to your niche.

The tool will display keywords that at least two of your competitors rank for, but you don't.

By targeting these shared keywords, you can compete effectively and potentially secure a top-ranking position.

Ahrefs Content Gap helps you uncover keywords that your competitors are capitalizing on, allowing you to identify opportunities to gain visibility in your niche.

5. Analyse Keywords Based on Searcher Intent

Understanding the intent behind a keyword is crucial for optimizing your content effectively. Ask yourself what searchers aim to find when using a specific keyword. Are they seeking information, products, services, or something else?

For example, if your content ranks highly for a keyword with the search intent of "navigational," such as branded terms or login pages, it's essential to acknowledge that these users are mainly seeking specific websites or access points. While such keywords may appear attractive, it's crucial to recognize that the majority of users click on the first result, impacting your potential traffic.

Carefully analyzing the searcher intent of a keyword enables you to align your content and SEO strategy with what users are looking for, improving your content's performance.

6. Find Shoulder Keywords

While it's common to optimize content around keywords directly related to your products or services, don't limit yourself to this approach. Targeting "shoulder keywords," which are not directly linked to your offerings but are of interest to your target audience, can provide substantial benefits.

For example, if you run an eCommerce store selling basketball hoops, you should optimize content for keywords like "buy basketball hoops online." However, broaden your approach to include keywords such as "how to shoot a better free throw," "slam dunk highlights," "how to get recruited by college scouts," and "nutrition for basketball players."

These "shoulder keywords" may not directly translate to sales, but they attract your potential customers and offer opportunities to engage and build trust. Eventually, these users may convert into customers, making these keywords valuable for your content strategy.

Targeting a mix of both product-specific and "shoulder keywords" diversifies your content strategy and enhances your ability to capture a wider audience.

Your SEO Breakthrough Awaits: Secure Your Free Consultation Today

Congratulations on mastering the basics of keyword research. Now, it's time to dive into advanced keyword research techniques and strategies that can take your SEO efforts to the next level. These tactics will help you extract the most value from your keyword research and maximize your visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs).

1. Barnacle SEO

Once you've identified the perfect keyword and achieved a top-ranking position, your work is not quite done. Barnacle SEO, a clever tactic, allows you to leverage the authority of other high-ranking websites to further dominate the first page of Google's search results.

For example, if your target keyword is "YouTube SEO," and your blog post ranks in the top 3, you can expand your reach by creating optimized content on authoritative platforms like YouTube, LinkedIn, Medium, and more. This additional content can also rank on Google's first page, providing you with more valuable real estate.

Expanding your presence on the first page of search results increases your visibility, traffic, and authority in your niche.

2. GSC Keyword Research

The Google Search Console (GSC) is a treasure trove of keyword ideas and insights. By exploring the "Performance Report" in your GSC account, you can identify valuable keywords that attract user impressions and clicks from Google searches.

Start by logging into your GSC account and accessing the "Performance Report."

Sort the list by "Impressions" to identify keywords that receive substantial impressions but not necessarily clicks.

Create content optimized around these high-impression keywords, as they are queries people are searching for, and Google already considers your site a good fit for these keywords.

GSC keyword research allows you to target keywords you know are relevant and attainable, enhancing your chances of ranking and attracting valuable traffic.

3. Optimise Content Around Synonyms and Related Keywords

While it's essential to optimize your content around your primary keyword, don't overlook the opportunity to include synonyms and closely related terms. This strategy can broaden your content's reach and capture additional search engine traffic.

For example, if your main keyword is "search engine visibility," incorporate variations like "SEO visibility" to make your content more comprehensive. By doing so, you can rank for a range of keyword variations, increasing your chances of attracting diverse organic traffic.

Optimizing content around synonyms and related keywords improves your content's relevance and ensures it remains valuable to a broader audience.

4. Ahrefs Content Gap

Ahrefs Content Gap is a powerful feature that can elevate your keyword research strategy. It allows you to identify keywords that your competitors rank for but you don't. By leveraging this tool, you can take your competitor keyword analysis to the next level.

Here's how to use Ahrefs Content Gap effectively:

Access Ahrefs Content Gap.

Enter 2-3 competing websites that are relevant to your niche.

The tool will display keywords that at least two of your competitors rank for, but you don't.

By targeting these shared keywords, you can compete effectively and potentially secure a top-ranking position.

Ahrefs Content Gap helps you uncover keywords that your competitors are capitalizing on, allowing you to identify opportunities to gain visibility in your niche.

5. Analyse Keywords Based on Searcher Intent

Understanding the intent behind a keyword is crucial for optimizing your content effectively. Ask yourself what searchers aim to find when using a specific keyword. Are they seeking information, products, services, or something else?

For example, if your content ranks highly for a keyword with the search intent of "navigational," such as branded terms or login pages, it's essential to acknowledge that these users are mainly seeking specific websites or access points. While such keywords may appear attractive, it's crucial to recognize that the majority of users click on the first result, impacting your potential traffic.

Carefully analyzing the searcher intent of a keyword enables you to align your content and SEO strategy with what users are looking for, improving your content's performance.

6. Find Shoulder Keywords

While it's common to optimize content around keywords directly related to your products or services, don't limit yourself to this approach. Targeting "shoulder keywords," which are not directly linked to your offerings but are of interest to your target audience, can provide substantial benefits.

For example, if you run an eCommerce store selling basketball hoops, you should optimize content for keywords like "buy basketball hoops online." However, broaden your approach to include keywords such as "how to shoot a better free throw," "slam dunk highlights," "how to get recruited by college scouts," and "nutrition for basketball players."

These "shoulder keywords" may not directly translate to sales, but they attract your potential customers and offer opportunities to engage and build trust. Eventually, these users may convert into customers, making these keywords valuable for your content strategy.

Targeting a mix of both product-specific and "shoulder keywords" diversifies your content strategy and enhances your ability to capture a wider audience.

Your SEO Breakthrough Awaits: Secure Your Free Consultation Today



How do you research SEO keywords?

Research SEO keywords by using tools like Google Keyword Planner or SEMrush, understanding your audience's needs, and analyzing competitor websites.

What is keyword research and SEO?

Keyword research is finding terms people search for online. SEO is optimizing your website to rank higher for those terms.

What keywords are best for SEO?

The best keywords for SEO are relevant to your business, have high search volume, and match user intent.

What are long-tail keywords, and why are they important for SEO?

Long-tail keywords are specific phrases with lower search volume but higher conversion rates. They're important for SEO as they help target niche audiences effectively.

How can I check the ranking of my website for specific keywords?

You can use tools like Google Search Console or third-party tools such as SEMrush to check your website's ranking for specific keywords.

How do you research SEO keywords?

Research SEO keywords by using tools like Google Keyword Planner or SEMrush, understanding your audience's needs, and analyzing competitor websites.

What is keyword research and SEO?

Keyword research is finding terms people search for online. SEO is optimizing your website to rank higher for those terms.

What keywords are best for SEO?

The best keywords for SEO are relevant to your business, have high search volume, and match user intent.

What are long-tail keywords, and why are they important for SEO?

Long-tail keywords are specific phrases with lower search volume but higher conversion rates. They're important for SEO as they help target niche audiences effectively.

How can I check the ranking of my website for specific keywords?

You can use tools like Google Search Console or third-party tools such as SEMrush to check your website's ranking for specific keywords.



I'm glad you found this keyword research guide valuable, and I'm excited to hear which strategies you plan to implement. Keyword research is a fundamental aspect of SEO, and using these techniques can significantly impact your online visibility and traffic.

Please feel free to share your thoughts and let me know which tip or strategy resonated with you the most or which one you plan to try first. Your feedback and comments are always appreciated and can help guide further discussions or improvements in the world of SEO.

Thank you for reading, and best of luck with your keyword research efforts!

I'm glad you found this keyword research guide valuable, and I'm excited to hear which strategies you plan to implement. Keyword research is a fundamental aspect of SEO, and using these techniques can significantly impact your online visibility and traffic.

Please feel free to share your thoughts and let me know which tip or strategy resonated with you the most or which one you plan to try first. Your feedback and comments are always appreciated and can help guide further discussions or improvements in the world of SEO.

Thank you for reading, and best of luck with your keyword research efforts!

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